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BigPicture upgrade matrix


Key changes


  • Box Admin can select who can create, edit, and delete baselines.

  • Baseline versioning (BigPicture Enterprise only).

  • Jira boards used for automatic timebox creation are automatically added to scope of a box.


  • Inline editing visibility - when inline editing is available, it is visually indicated in the app when you hover the mouse over a field.

  • Sample data for evaluating Resource management added (Overview module.

  • Create a task-based objective directly in the Board module.


  • The order of tasks added to a box mirrors a Jira backlog. Newly added tasks are added below the existing WBS. The order of existing box tasks is not affected.


  • Shortcut to the field mapping settings is available in the column settings and under the wrench icon.

  • When filters are being executed, a loading progress indicator appears.


  • Adjust the column width to fit its contents (Gantt and Scope modules).

  • Skills are listed in alphabetical order

  • You can organize tasks using working days, calendar days, and skills.



  • JCMA migration - BigPicture can be migrated using the following options: ‘Choose what to migrate’ and ‘Migrate all data at once’.

  • Box Admins can import tasks from a file.

  • BigPicture 'Task ID' field is visible in the column view/card view.


  • The Home (root box) dates cannot be changed on the timeline.

  • Task scheduling warnings added to the Calendar module.

  • Task workload distribution is the same when a task is in multiple boxes.


  • A horizontal scroll is added to the column view (applies to the Gantt and Scope modules).

  • Tooltips in the Overview module explain why action can’t be performed.


  • Task limit warning appears when the user exceeds the ‘Maximum tasks to load' limit.

  • The ‘Migrate values’ toggle switch is visible only when the Consequence or Probability value is modified (Risks module).


  • Sequential own scope boxes are NOT automatically archived.

  • When multiple markers have the same date a marker counter is present.



  • Milstones are treated as a point in time (single date, no duration).

  • In the velocity report, the velocity value is presented on the Velocity chart in the form of a trend line.

  • Task status is displayed for tasks attached to objectives as associated work.

  • Values of the Custom Columns of the Overview module (Select data type) can be assigned colors.


  • Inline editing can be used when task grouping is active.

  • Issue type can be selected when converting a basic task to a Jira issue. 

  • Basic tasks can be included in the search results in the Resources module.


  • The “Respect Jira screen scheme” toggle switch available for Jira Cloud, Jira Server, and Jira Data Center. When the toggle switch is “on” - if a field can’t be updated in a Jira project, you can’t edit it in BigPicture column views and cards.

  • Inline editing can be used to add/ remove/ edit the value of a label field.

  • Task Viewer and Task Editor can group tasks.

  • Select data type is available for custom Box columns.

  • Duration of a task (duration working days) is respected by tasks in a manual mode.




  • Data Residency - Introducing our new GDPR-compliant feature that enables users to enter their country of residence for enhanced data privacy protection.

  • Effort Mode - Effort Mode on Resources Panel can be changed from Gantt Gadget






  • Inline editing of task duration (task duration field in a column/card view). 

  • Grey out irrelevant dependencies - when you select a task, only dependencies related to it ar highlighted. Other task dependencies are greyed out

  • Inline editing of the assignee field

  • Contextural access to scope definition in a form of a pop-up (Add tasks button > Manage scope definition)

  • Allocation insights in the Resources panel (Gantt module) - click on an item to see a pop-up containing details.


Includes BigPicture 8.6 features released for the cloud version. Unavailable for BigPicture server. 






New features:


New features:


New features:

Retired features:

  • Program Wizard

  • No labels