Advanced (Box types)

Advanced (Box types)

Table of contents

In this section, you can configure the Period mode and Sequentiality applicable to a given Box type. Both of these settings determine how the period of your Boxes behaves in relation to the other Boxes in the hierarchy.

Keep in mind:

  • A “Box type” contains the default settings applicable to multiple Boxes (all Boxes of a given type). Those settings are adjusted in box type administration.

  • Box configuration refers to the settings of a single, individual Box. They are dependent on the “Box type” settings. 

Possible settings combinations

period mode


overlapping allowed

period mode


overlapping allowed

auto bottom-up



auto scope-base



auto top-down






Period Mode

Changes apply to both existing boxes and newly created Boxes of a given type.

When you change period mode of a box type to "auto bottom-up" or "auto scope-based", you automatically trigger a recalculation of box period. Duration of existing boxes is adjusted accordingly.  


Select this mode to manually determine the start and end date of Boxes of a given type. Box duration has to be manually adjusted. The box period is independent of its scope and sub-Box duration.

Auto scheduling rules don't apply to Boxes in manual period mode.

There is no automatic calculation of the Box period. Even if the "manual" period Box is nested under an "auto top-down" Box, the "manual" period will be independent of the auto-scheduling rules. 

Auto Top-Down

Box duration has to be manually adjusted. Select this mode if you want Boxes of this type to limit the duration of their sub-boxes. 

  • Box period has to be manually adjusted.

  • Box period limits periods of its sub-Boxes. 


Exception: Boxes in a "manual" period mode are unaffected by a parent Box's "auto top-down" period mode. 

Scheduling conflict

In case of a scheduling conflict, the "auto top-down" rule has lower priority than the "auto bottom-up" and "auto scope-base" rules. 

An "auto top-down" Box won't limit the periods of "auto bottom-up" and "auto scope-based" Boxes. 

Auto Bottom-Up

A Box in this period mode adjusts its period to match its sub-boxes. 

  • The start date of a Box  = the earliest start date of its sub-boxes.

  • The end date of a Box  = the latest end date of its sub-boxes.

Auto scheduling mechanism

  • Only direct children are taken into account during the period calculation (grandchildren and other lower-level sub-boxes won't affect the Box period). 

  • The Box period will be affected by actions such as: adding a new sub-Box, change of a parent Box (nesting a Box under an "auto bottom-up" Box), changes in Box periods of existing sub-Boxes, and removing an "edge" sub-Box that the start/end date was based on. 

  • In the case of a conflict of "auto bottom-up" and "auto top-down" Boxes, the "auto bottom-up" rules have priority. 


Box sequentiality is automatically set to "Overlapping allowed" and can't be changed. Otherwise, a scheduling conflict could potentially occur:

  • the app could try to on one hand make sure that Boxes of this type don't overlap

  • while at the same time trying to change the Box period based on the duration of sub-Boxes. 

Sometimes it would not be possible to enforce both scheduling rules simultaneously. This is why "Overlapping allowed" is automatically selected and can't be changed.

Auto Scope-Based

A Box in this period mode adjusts its period to encompass all tasks within its scope. The Box period reflects the duration of tasks in its scope. With those settings, you can be sure there is no discrepancy between the box period and its contents.

  • start date = earliest start date of a task in a Box scope.

  • end date = latest end date of a task in a Box scope.

 "Auto scope-based" rules have a priority. A parent Box in an "auto top-down" period mode won't limit a Box in the "auto scope-based" period mode. 

All elements (tasks) listed in WBS are taken into account when calculating the box period (including tasks based on projects, versions, sprints, and components)

Recalculation frequency

The frequency of Box period recalculation depends on App settings.

Settings can be changed in the App configuration (Overview configuration) by a Jira admin. Click on the wrench at the top right > App configuration > Modules > Overview to manage the recalculation interval.

Empty scope

When the Box scope is empty, a user can manually set the Box period (no validation is applied).

A Box with an empty scope (no tasks in a Box) can still be used for roadmapping purposes. 


Box sequentiality is automatically set to "Overlapping allowed" and can't be changed. Otherwise, a scheduling conflict could potentially occur:

  • the app could try to on one hand make sure that Boxes of this type don't overlap

  • while simultaneously trying to change the Box duration to encompass all its tasks. 

Sometimes it would not be possible to enforce both scheduling rules simultaneously. This is why "Overlapping allowed" is automatically selected and can't be changed.

Auto scope-based Boxes can contain other sub-boxes (such as Program Increments and Iterations). This way, the main Program-type Box will automatically adjust its period to encompass all its tasks, while at the same time, sub-boxes inside can be sequential.

Period mode edge cases 

Parent Box 


Parent Box 



auto bottom-up

auto scope-based

auto top-down


auto bottom-up

No conflict

No conflict

No conflict

No conflict

auto scope-based

"auto scope-based" has priority

No conflict

No conflict

No conflict

auto top-down

"auto bottom-up" has priority

"auto scope-based" has priority

No conflict

No conflict


manual box unaffected

No conflict

No conflict

No conflict



Month sub-boxes have overlapping periods:

When settings are changed to "sequential", the existing periods are not recalculated until validation is triggered.

When you try to create a new sub-Box, you will see the following error:

When you try to edit a Box period, you will see the following error:

When you try to change a parent Box, you will see the following error:

Overlapping Allowed

Select this option if you want same-level Boxes to overlap. When you create a new Box, the App will not suggest an end date for a Sub-Box (regardless of the duration of a previously created same-level Box).


When you select this option, overlapping of same-type Box periods is blocked. This rule applies to same-level Boxes only. When you create a new Box, the App suggests an end date based on the duration of a previously created same-level Box:

"Read More" Custom Link

The link will be displayed when creating new Boxes of a given type. For example, the link can lead to internal documentation or other related information.

Go to the next section - Module administration.