Overview module


You can change the terminology and rename modules. To avoid confusion, check the module icon, which is unalterable.

The overview module, or the command center, is where you can quickly navigate to different Box modules or their configuration.

You will also see status-based and time-tracking reports and additional rolled-up data related to time tracking. The scope of the Box can include any set of issues in Jira defined using a JQL filter or projects or sets of projects or tasks from other connected tools.

Click on the Box name to narrow it to the sub-box level.  You can still use all the available modules, and the Box scope will be filtered accordingly. 





Add new

Click to open the add Box dialog. In this dialog, you can enter the basic Box information:

  • Type - a clickable icon with a drop-down menu. Box type can be used as a template for newly created Boxes or for bulk configuration of the existing ones. Use different icons and colors to differentiate between different Box types.

  • Name - displayed in the Box switcher and different modes of the Overview module. 

  • Start and End date - used to generate the Box on the timeline. The dates are also displayed as columns in the Hierarchy mode and on the Box tiles in the Kanban mode.

  • Icon and color - a colored icon is shown next to the Box name in the Box switcher and different modes of the Overview module. You can use colors and icons to categorize your Boxes by type, domain, etc., to find the one you are looking for quickly. There are hundreds of icons to pick from.

Column view

Column views can be modified (add/ remove/ configure columns to adjust the view).

You can also manage your Column views by choosing one of the views available:

  • Financial

  • Time Tracking

  • Agile

  • Essentials

Inline editing

You can use inline editing to change Box information. 

Inline add new Box

Click in-between the lines to open the add new Box dialog. You can add a new Box or indent (click arrow) and add a Sub-Box depending on where you click. When you click in-between sub-Boxes, you will be able to add siblings or sub-Boxes only.

Box dialog

Right-click on a selected Box to the Box dialog. The following actions are possible:

  • Configure - open the Box configuration

  • Edit - change the Box name, start and end date

  • Status - each status has a different color which will be shown in the Box switcher next to the Box name, in the Timeline mode as the color of the Box bar, in the Gantt module when the Timeboxes are enabled, and in the Board and Roadmap modules as the color of the Box.

    • Not started - grey

    • In progress - blue

    • Closed - green

When a Box is in the "Closed" status, you will not configure and edit the Box.

Sort by

The order of the listed Boxes can be changed.

  •  Boxes can be sorted in all modes (Kanban, Timeline, and Hierarchy) ascending/ descending:

    • Name

    • ID

    • Type

    • Status

    • Start date

    • End date

    • Leader

  • Manual Box order:

    • re-order Boxes using a drag-and-drop mechanism.

You can switch between sorting and manual modes without losing the manual data order. 


Present your Boxes using different modes. Each mode provides a different view and options. There are three modes to choose from:


Adjust the row height using three available view options:

  • compact

  • regular

  • wide


Filter the list of Boxes based on selected criteria:

  • Favorite - filter out all Boxes that are not marked as your favorite. Each user can mark their own favorite Boxes. The filtered can be used in different modes of the Overview module and the Box switcher.

  • Date filter - filter Boxes list based on the start or end dates of the Boxes. The date range filter affects only the module in which you have applied it.

  • Filter by - filters based on active columns. Only boxes matching the criteria are displayed. Select a column and field values. You can combine multiple different rules.

  • Search box - filter by the Box name.


When a filter is applied:

  • the parent boxes (of the matching box) are greyed out

  • the child boxes (of the matching box) are hidden

Hide parent Boxes

When using filters, you can hide the greyed-out higher-level elements:

Full-screen view

Hide the Jira's and App's headers.