BigPicture 8.12.4 Release notes

Release date: 2023-08-17



For rollback purposes, please back up your database before starting the upgrade process or test the new BigPicture version on an isolated environment

Bug fixes and improvements:


  • Update updateDate field for scope def read model version table during migration to event store

  • Database dumps - Restore - It's impossible to restore JC dump on JC

  • MYSQL: Task types "Projects" is not enabled by default in Scope definition

  • Board - Searching - values with "-" causes Validation error

  • Gantt: Summed-up time values are not displayed when grouping is on

  • Global warning: cannot update closed sprint after closing it


Bug fixes list

Use "Incognito mode" to open below tickets and find out the details.


type key summary priority

Known issues

type key summary priority