Quickstart Guide

This page is about Time to SLA for Jira Cloud. Using Jira On-Prem? Click the On-Prem button above.

We are excited that you want to learn how to use Time to SLA for Jira Cloud!

This 5-step guide will cover the key concepts you need to know to get started, assist you in setting up your first SLAs, and get you ready to serve your customers with powerful SLAs, customizable notifications, and limitless reports.

Step 1. Get your permissions right

Before you start creating SLAs and diving into Time to SLA, we recommend that you set your permissions first. This allows you to tailor your team members' permission settings to their roles.

Defining the permissions will lay the foundation for everything you will create later on. On the Permissions menu, you can configure user- and group-based permissions for each Time to SLA menu.

Step 2. Create unique Calendars for each team

Your next stop is the Calendars menu. Time to SLA offers advanced customization of calendars, which means you can create as many calendars as you want for your dynamic teams.

Time to SLA comes with a 24/7 working hours calendar, so feel free to use it if you don’t want to set your own hours.

Before proceeding to the next step, go to Settings and pick your time zone. This will ensure that Time to SLA can make accurate calculations.

Step 3. Define your first SLA

Drum roll, please…

With your user permissions and calendars set in place, it’s time to define your first SLA! To better understand this process, watch the following video:


Once you’ve defined the first one, don’t stop there, as you can define and manage numerous SLAs. Define the next one, and then the next one, and then the next...

Before you move on to the next step, don't forget to:

Go to your issues to see the SLA Panel in all its glory.
To learn more about the SLA Panel, go to our handy guide, The Anatomy of an SLA Panel.
If you want to see the SLAs on your existing issues, recalculate your SLA data.
Then, go to Settings and personalize your SLA Panel to fit your unique needs.

Moreover, you never have to worry about missing deadlines thanks to Time to SLA’s highly customizable notification system.

Step 4. Check your customer portal settings

Your SLAs may be up and running, but you also need to be on the same page with your customers regarding who can see what and when. You can set which SLAs will be visible to your customers on the customer portal based on their request types.

Step 5. Generate reports (whenever you need them)

Congratulations, you’ve made it to the last step!

You can now learn how to generate reports, as measuring your success in SLA management is just as important as tracking your SLAs. With Time to SLA, you can create highly configurable reports, report subscriptions, and line charts, and save search filters for reuse in the future.

All systems are go! Start rocking.