SLA calculation issues during workflow transitions

SLA calculation issues during workflow transitions

This page is about Time to SLA for Jira On-Prem.


SLA calculation problems occur after particular transitions.

Time to SLA has issue listeners that listen to Jira events fired via workflow post functions. For better performance purposes, TTS does not listen to all events. If you use event types that TTS does not listen to in workflow post functions, then SLA calculations are not processed via TTS listeners, and SLA calculation problems occur.

Never Listening

Since the events listed below are not stated directly in SLA contracts, TTS listeners never listen to them.

  1. Work Logged On Issue

  2. Work Started On Issue

  3. Work Stopped On Issue

  4. Issue Worklog Updated

  5. Issue Worklog Deleted

Special Events

TTS listens to the following events if you use comment actions in SLA definitions. However, they should not be used in workflow transitions to get accurate SLA data.

  1. Issue Commented

  2. Issue Comment Edited

  3. Issue Comment Deleted


Do not use the events listed above in your workflow post functions.