REST services
REST services
This page is about Time to SLA for Jira Data Center. Using Cloud? Click here.
Time to SLA provides REST APIs to help you view and manage your SLA configurations, calendars, notifiers, issues, and permissions.
1. Calendar Rest API
2. Next-Gen SLA Rest API
3. Additional Time to SLA Rest API
4. Saving SLA definition
Method |
Sample Result |
{"success":false,"message":"Failed when saving SLA: All fields cannot be empty"}
{"success":true,"message":"35"} |
Origin and target dates are custom fields
"description":"Description of the SLA definition",
"workflowName":"Workflow name",
"slaStartDateField":10900, // date custom field Id
"slaEndDateField":10901, // date custom field Id
"calendarId":-1, // -1 for 7x24, or calendarId
Possible Responses |
{"success":false,"message":"Failed when saving SLA: At least slaStartDateField or originStatusId should be provided"} |
With negotiation time
Possible Responses |
With pauses
POST Data |
Possible Responses |
5. Bulk saving SLA definitions
Method |