FAQ's Announcer for Confluence


This page presents the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the functionality of the Announcer for Confluence Server app.


 What are active and inactive notifications?

Active Notifications: If the option: Status in the respective announcement is Enabled, it indicates the announcement is active and users will get notifications of that announcement.
Inactive Notifications: If the option: Status in the respective announcement is Disabled, it indicates the announcement is no longer active and users will not get notified of that announcement.
Set the Status to Enabled or Disabled as shown in the below screenshot:

Here is the screenshot of Announcer Configuration that lists all the Active and Inactive notifications:

 Can we hide the Accept button?

When the checkbox: Should the accept button be shown is disabled in the Show advanced options of the Announcement editor window, the Accept button is hidden for an announcement

The announcement will be shown as below along with Dismiss button:

 Is there an option to enable the Accept button after some time?

Yes, there is an option for this. When the option: Enable the button after 5 seconds is enabled in the Show advanced options, then the Dismiss button for the respective announcement is enabled after 5 seconds on the UI.

The announcement will be shown as below with the countdown before enabling the Dismiss button: