Insufficient Jira permissions in BigPicture/BigGantt

If you see the following message while trying to access either BigGantt or BigPicture for Jira Cloud, follow the steps described in this article.

Screenshot of a message that BigGantt needs access.


  1. Go to Settings > System > Global permissions.

  2. Scroll down to the Grant permission section.

  3. Select the 'atlassian-addons-admin' group. 

    Screenshot of the Grant permission section in Jira global permissions.
  4. Steps:

    1. From the Grant drop-down, select Browse users and groups.

    2. From the Group drop-down, select atlassian-addons-admin.

    3. Click the Add button. 

    Repeat the steps for Share dashboards and filters.

    You can see that the permissions above have been updated.

  5. If the BigGantt/BigPicture needs access! message still appears, reinstall the plugin (Apps drop-down at the top > Manage your apps).


If you need help, contact our Support team.