Creating a Dedicated BigPicture Log File
How to set up a separate log file for BigPicture debug data.
If you get a sizeable amount of BigPicture debug data sent to atlassian-jira.log but would instead divert it to a dedicated log file, you can do it by manually changing the configuration of Jira’s log4j file.
Here’s how to do it:
1. Add the following snippet to your* file:
log4j.appender.bigpicture=com.atlassian.jira.logging.JiraHomeAppender log4j.appender.bigpicture.File=bigpicture.log log4j.appender.bigpicture.MaxFileSize=20480KB log4j.appender.bigpicture.MaxBackupIndex=5 log4j.appender.bigpicture.layout=com.atlassian.logging.log4j.NewLineIndentingFilteringPatternLayout log4j.appender.bigpicture.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %p [%X{jira.mailserver}] %t %X{jira.username} %X{} %X{} %X{jira.request.ipaddr} %X{jira.request.url} %m%n = INFO, console, bigpicture = false |
2. Restart your Jira instance.
This will create a separate bigpicture.log file for all logs from our app or com.softwareplant package specifically.
Where to find the file?
The is located in "WEB-INF/classes/" You can find this path by going to your Jira Administration > System > Logging and profiling, and scrolling down to the "Default Loggers" section:
You can further configure the granularity of the log file and choose the desired logging levels:
This is it. You've just set up a separate log file for BigPicture debug data.