How to Clone issues from Service Desk To Development

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JIRA is used by both IT Help Desk teams and Software Development teams. Help Desk teams manage custom inquiries, incidents, reports, issues and may often need to collaborate with the development teams. They need a process to send these service tickets with relevant information to development teams either for further analysis or bug fixes. Development teams in turn need to analyze, track and plan for these issues.

Clone Plus easily solves this problem by letting the Service Desk Agents Clone the Customer Service tickets into Tasks or Bugs for development teams

Lets say,  a customer has created a new request via Service Desk:



The service desk agent would like to send this request to the development teams to look at this issue and analyze further.


Configuration Steps


By default, Clone Plus also creates a issue link between the existing Service Desk request and the bug created in the development project.

Additional Recommendations

Use Bob Swift's Update on Transition add-on to transition the Service Desk request or add a comment when the Developer team has resolved the issue.