How to add advanced logging - Jira
Setting up advanced logging is strongly recommended
Validators and post functions have virtually no opportunity to provide error feedback except via logging. Appfire Command Line Interface (CLI) actions can be complex and may access remote systems which can increase problem determination difficulties. The add-on provides lots of information to the JIRA log to help with problem determinate, however, it is much better to add the advanced logging capabilities to provide a separate log file for easier function configuration and future problem determination.
Advanced logging is available to provide an audit trail and help with problem determination. It is highly recommended that logging be enabled.
To enable, add the following section or similar to your file normally located in <jira-installation-directory>/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes
# Run CLI actions logging log4j.appender.runcliactions=com.atlassian.jira.logging.JiraHomeAppender log4j.appender.runcliactions.File=run-cli-actions.log log4j.appender.runcliactions.Threshold=INFO log4j.appender.runcliactions.MaxFileSize=20480KB log4j.appender.runcliactions.MaxBackupIndex=10 log4j.appender.runcliactions.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.runcliactions.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %p: %m%n, runcliactions # set the following to true if you also want actions logged to the main jira log
2012-07-18 07:46:24,404 INFO: Issue: ZJCLIP-3 User: admin Context: validator Product: JIRA Action: --action getFieldValue --issue ZJCLIP-3 --field priority --server http://imac2.local:8215 --user automation --password *** Pattern: value:\s+(\S+) Pattern: value:\s+((?:Critical)|(?:Blocker)) Result: SUCCESS Issue ZJCLIP-3 has field 'priority' with value: Major (3) Message: This transition is only allowed for issues with Critical or Blocker priorities. The priority for this item is Major.
Resulting logs, by default, will be located in the same directory as the server application logs, usually in ,,./home/log.