Validation (Box creation)

The following things determine how you can nest Boxes:

  • In Box type configuration, you decide the possible parents of each Box type.  Parent Box types determine how to build the Box hierarchy (nest Boxes) and prevent users from making mistakes and mixing methodologies.

  • Each Box type has Scope type settings (None, Own scope, Sub-scope). 

  • Sequentiality (Box type settings).

  • Box period mode.

Possible parent Box types

Parent Box types determine how you can build the Box hierarchy.

View of settings, Iteration, Parent Types

Scope type

How the scope types affect Box nesting: 

A table presenting scope settings


Sequentiality settings affect same-level Boxes (can potentially prevent Box periods from overlapping). 

Auto bottom-up and auto scope-based Boxes are never sequential - they can always overlap.

Only "manual" and "auto top-down" Boxes can be sequential—if set to 'sequential,' same-level sequential Boxes can't overlap.

Period mode

Box type period mode can affect if a new child Box can be created with a specified start/date. 

Period of a new Box vs. child Box period mode

Newly created Boxes don't have any children, so they can't be affected by them.

Period of a new Box vs. parent Box period mode

  • An "auto top-down" parent

    • limits the period of an "auto top-down" child Box 

    • child Boxes in "manual"/ "auto scope-based" period mode are not affected

    • "auto bottom-up" child overrides an "auto top-down" parent

Effects of the parent Box period mode on a child Box period are outlined in the table below.

Parent Box → 

New Box (child)

Parent Box → 

New Box (child)

auto bottom-up

unaffected (regardless of child period mode)

auto scope-based

unaffected (regardless of child period mode)

auto top-down

An "auto top-down" parent limits the period of an "auto top-down" child
Period of an "auto bottom-up" child unaffected ("auto bottom-up" child has priority over an auto "top-down parent")
Periods of "manual" and "auto scope-based" Boxes unaffected


unaffected (regardless of child period mode)