Box scheduling


Box duration is affected by Box type settings

If needed, contact your App administrator to verify Box type scheduling settings. This will help you understand the behavior of Box periods.

The following settings can apply to a Box type:


  • Overlapping allowed - periods set for Boxes of the same type can overlap. The rule applies to the same-level Boxes in the hierarchy.

  • Sequential - periods set for Boxes of the same type cannot overlap. The rule applies to the same-level Boxes in the hierarchy.

Period Mode:

  • Manual - period of a Box is always set manually (no auto-scheduling adjustment).

  • Auto top-down - period of a Box is set manually and restricts the periods of its Sub-Boxes.

  • Auto bottom-up - period of a Box changes to encompass its Sub-Boxes. 

  • Auto scope-based - period of a Box changes to encompass tasks in its scope.

Manual change of start/end date of a Box

You can set up a start/end date of a Box during the creation process. Time Periods of Boxes can be adjusted either:

  • directly in Box Configuration > General > Basics

  • in the Overview module.

Home (root) Box

Scheduling settings are not available for the Home (root) Box. 

The start/end dates of the Home (root) Box can't be changed - they are based on the duration of Boxes in the tree structure:

  • start date = the earliest start date of a child Box

  • end date = the latest end date of a child Box