Scheduling (Box types)
The scheduling option on the box type configuration page determines how new tasks added to the box will interact with the scheduling mechanism, including factors like task dependencies and parent/child relationships.
This option sets a default configuration for all newly created boxes of that specific box type.
Security and access
Only users with the App Admin security role can edit the Box types and access the Administration.
To set the default scheduling mode for the box type:
Click the App settings (wrench icon) in the top right corner.
Select Box types from the dropdown list.
On the Administration page, click a box type name to open its settings.
On the box type configuration page, go to Tasks > Scheduling tab.
Default scheduling mode
When the scope definition of a box type is set to Sub-scope, the scheduling mode of the new box is inherited from the parent (upper-level) box and cannot be modified.
Switching the box type settings from the Sub-scope to Own does not affect the existing boxes. If a box was created when the scope definition of the box type was set to the Sub-scope:
you cannot change that scope,
you cannot modify its default scheduling mode.
The default scheduling mode is auto basic and applies only to newly created tasks (tasks that were added to the box's scope for the first time.) If a task was added to the scope prior to the scheduling mode change, its existing mode will remain unchanged.
For Boxes with the Own scope, you can choose from four available scheduling modes:
Auto basic
Auto bottom-up
Auto top-down
You can add a new task to the scope of a box in the following ways:
use the +Task button in the Scope, Gantt, Board, Risks, and Resources modules.
change the scope definition of a box.
Jira sprint, version, component, and project always have the default scheduling mode set to manual, regardless of the scheduling mode you set as default.
We recommend using the Manual scheduling mode to ensure that your task will not be automatically rescheduled based on the configuration of structure builders and dependencies. You can enable automation anytime, but you might not be able to easily revert changes.