Keyboard shortcuts (Resources module)

Keyboard shortcuts (Resources module)

Work faster with keyboard shortcuts

By pressing specific key combinations, you can perform many actions without needing to use a mouse to speed up your workflow and enhance productivity. Mastering these shortcuts can reduce the number of mouse clicks and save you time, making your experience with BigPicture smoother and more intuitive.

Keyboard shortcuts are available on Jira Cloud and Jira Data Center.

Display available keyboard shortcuts

Click the Get help i ) button in the upper-right corner menu (or press Shift + /) to display the keyboard shortcuts dialog box.

Menu options under the Gentt help button.

Resources module shortcuts

The shortcuts listed in the box will only show the shortcuts applicable to the module you are viewing. The app will adjust the displayed shortcuts to your device system (Mac and Windows). Also, depending on your Windows hardware, you may need to use the Fn button in place for Ctrl.

The Resources module’s keyboard shortcuts are divided into the following categories:


Scenario mode

Create a new scenario

Alt or Option + N

Create a new scenario

Alt or Option + N

Return to Live mode

Alt or Option + L

Merge scenarios

Alt or Option + M



Shift + 0


Shift + 0

Previous small time period

Shift + ,

Next small time period

Shift + .

Previous big time period

Shift + Alt or Option + ,

Next big time period

Shift + Alt or Option + .


Show or hide heatmap



Show/Hide menu


Show/Hide menu



Ctrl or Cmd + Z

Open the System-info dialog box

Shift + I

Play the BigPicture game

Shift + Ctrl or Cmd + G

Re-synchronize data

Alt or Option + R

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