View options


The Resources module can display data essential to managing your resources in several views. The view options are accessible via the "View" drop-down dialog. For resources, you can display:

  • Workload

  • Remaining capacity

  • Capacity

  • Values on heatmap

  • Tasks

  • Overall assignment

  • Timeboxes 

  • Warnings:

    • Estimates

    • Assignment

    • Workload contour

Adjust the view by selecting the information you need.


Both basic tasks and connected tool tasks (Jira/Trello) are shown.

Tasks are divided into rows based on their assignment. Task are color-coded to mirror the status category.

For example, the color blue indicates that the BPV-28 task has the "In progress" status category.

Basic task assignee

You can assign tasks to users using the Resources module.

Basic task workload

If you have BigPicture Enterprise, you can manage the workload of basic tasks. 


Show the amount of work already assigned to a resource in a given period. 

The Workload information is also available in the Gantt module's Resource panel.


Show the amount of work a resource can deliver in a specified period. The capacity of your resource is based on Workload plans and further adjusted by the number of non-working days as set in Holiday plans and absences.

Remaining Capacity

See the difference between capacity and allocation (workload). Remaining capacity shows the amount of workload which can be further assigned. Negative values indicate overallocation for a Resource, and the Summary row indicates if resource demand exceeds supply.

Show Overall Assignment

Show all the tasks assigned to a resource across all created Boxes. To see this, you need to enable the "Tasks" view as well.

To use this feature, you must install BigPicture Enterprise.


Timeboxes define consecutive timeframes used for work planning. It helps to think of them as, for example, sprints, iterations, increments, or stages. 

You can aggregate data by timeboxes.

If periods overlap, timeboxes cannot be displayed.

When enabled, you can see timeboxes for the main box, as well as for sub-boxes. If there are no timeboxes for a given time period, the "No timeboxes in this period" message appears.

  • For the time between defined timeboxes - based on the length of that period, e.g. if time slot between periods is nine days, data from nine days will be aggregated.

  • Before and after defined time periods -  based on the corner time periods, e.g. if in the project lasting two years there were two weeks sprints at the beginning of the project and 1 week sprint at the end of the project the aggregation will be visualized:

    • as 2 week periods before the project starts

    • as 1 week periods after the project ends


Warnings highlight the misconfigured and potentially problematic tasks that need extra attention. Once enabled, you will see a red frame around the problematic tasks. Learn more about Warnings.

Working and Non-Working Days View

One of the most basic views is the bare "Working Non-Working Days View" where you can get a quick overview of the resources that are working (or not) on a particular day on a monthly, quarterly, of half-yearly scale. 

Non-working days resulting from Holiday, Workload, and Absence plans are greyed out while working days are in white.