Portfolio box in Resources module
Portfolio boxes help you organize your work and provide you with reporting capabilities.
To find out more, check the Create a new portfolio page.
Manage Portfolio box in Resources module
You can create a Portfolio box in the Overview module.
If you open a Portfolio box in the Resource module, you may encounter the following issues:
There is no data to aggregate - add boxes
The Resources module in a Portfolio box aggregates data from sub-boxes. No sub-boxes were detected. The Portfolio box is empty. To use the Resources module, add sub-boxes to a Portfolio.
Create new boxes
Click Add items.
Select Import Jira Projects and click Add.
Select one or more Jira projects to import.
If you select multiple projects, you can enable the toggle switch to create a separate box for each Jira project.Define the box type.
When ready, click Import.
New sub-boxes are now visible.
Move existing boxes
Click Add items.
Select Add existing.
Select boxes. You can move multiple boxes at the same time.
Click Add.
There is no data to aggregate - add tasks
The Resources module in a Portfolio box aggregates data from sub-boxes. Sub-boxes are empty. To use the Resources module, add tasks to boxes.
Add tasks (Overview module)
Add tasks to boxes in the Portfolio. Repeat for all boxes.
Go to the Overview" module.
Right-click OR the More actions button.
Go to Tasks > Scope definition
Define the scope - you can use Jira projects, Jira boards and Jira filters.
Optional: Use the "narrow down" field to exclude tasks.
Add tasks (already existing in Jira)
To add tasks to the first Box you can use the following process.
Click the "Add tasks".
Select a box (step available only when you have multiple boxes).
Click Add tasks.
Click Manage Scope definition.
Define the scope - specify which Jira tasks should be included. You can add entire Jira projects, Jira boards or use Jira Filters.
Optional: Use the Narrow down field to exclude tasks.
Click Save.
Use filters for portfolio boxes in the Resources module. Filters allow you to narrow down the data you display.
Available filters for portfolio boxes:
Quick filters - see more on the Quick filters page
Search - see more on the Search box page
Filter options - see more on the Filters page
Resources module in Portfolio - troubleshooting and setup
The Resources module in a Portfolio box aggregates data from all boxes in the portfolio.
The view is based on individual users or teams.
Portfolio box teams
A portfolio should have the same teams as the boxes it contains.
Issue: Capacity can't be calculated because there are no team members in Portfolio teams.
Solution: Assign teams to the portfolio Box.
If the Teams module is not active, activate it.
Go to the Teams module in the Portfolio.
Use the "Assign existing team" option.
Add teams that match the boxes in the portfolio. Teams have to be added one by one.