Task Multi-Select (Gantt module)

About task multi-select

You can select several tasks on the task tree to carry out bulk actions like deleting or converting. Task multi-select can save you a lot of time compared to handling tasks individually.

All the tasks you select are highlighted so that you know which tasks you have selected so far.

Tasks can be multi-selected in the scenario mode and in the live mode.

Eight tasks selected on the tree structure in the Gantt module.

How to select multiple tasks

You can select tasks using the keyboard and mouse. The table below presents the multi-select actions you can perform on the task tree.

Depending on your Windows hardware, you may need to use the Fn button in place for Ctrl.





Ctrl or Cmd + mouse left-click

Multi-select individual tasks.

  1. Hold down the Ctrl (Windows)/ Cmd (Mac) key.

  2. Left-click the tasks you want to select.

  3. Release Ctrl/Cmd to scroll your task tree and press again to continue selecting more tasks.

Multi-selecting individual tasks on the Gantt task tree.


Shift + mouse left-click

Select a range of tasks.

  1. Hold Shift

  2. Left-click the first and final task to highlight the entire group.

Multi-selecting a range of tasks on the Gantt task tree.


Unselect tasks






Unselect all selected tasks.

Click anywhere within the upper area (excluding buttons, bars, and clickable icons).

Unselect all selected tasks.



Click any task on your task tree.

Unselect all selected tasks.

Ctrl or Cmd + mouse left-click

Unselect individual tasks.

  1. Hold down the Ctrl (Windows)/ Cmd (Mac) key.

  2. Left-click the tasks you want to unselect.

Use the same combination of keyboard and mouse buttons to select and unselect tasks.


Actions on multi-selected tasks

Once you select the tasks you want, you can carry out bulk actions on them. Right-click any selected task (anywhere but the task key) or use the editor slider to access the edit options.

Depending on the type of tasks you have selected (parent or a child), some actions will be possible, while some will be grayed out. The table below presents possible actions on the multi-selected tasks.

In the Gantt module, you can change the scheduling mode of any combination of selected tasks, regardless of their relationships. 

Selected tasks


Selected tasks


A parent without children

  • edit

  • select all children (option available only through the right-click context menu)

  • position

  • organize children

  • create/delete baseline

  • change scheduling mode

  • create dependency

  • convert to milestone

  • convert to…

  • delete

  • change task color

Possible actions when a parent task is selected.


Parent with own children

  • delete

  • organize children

  • create/delete baseline

  • change scheduling mode

  • convert to milestone

  • convert all to… (if at least one of the children is a milestone)

  • change task color

Possible actions when a parent task and its children are selected.

Children of the same parent (without the parent)

  • delete

  • outdent

  • create/delete baseline

  • change scheduling mode

  • convert to milestone

  • convert all to… (if at least one of the children is a milestone)

  • change task color

Possible actions when children but no parent are selected.


A mix of children of different parents (without parents)

  • delete

  • create/delete baseline

  • change scheduling mode

  • convert to milestone

  • convert all to… (if at least one of the children is a milestone)

  • change task color

Possible actions when a mix of children but not their parents are selected.


Multiple parents (without children)

  • delete

  • move up (unless the top parent is selected)

  • move down

  • indent

  • organize children

  • create/delete baseline

  • change scheduling mode

  • change task color

Possible actions when a mix of parents but not their children are selected.


A mix of different parents and children

  • delete

  • organize children

  • create/delete baseline

  • change scheduling mode

  • convert all to… (if at least one of the children is a milestone)

  • change task color

Possible actions when a mix of parents and children are selected.