Scale: Time Period and Aggregation
On this page: |
Time Period
Adjust the timeline to focus on the period you’re interested in.
Use the arrows in the App's header to move to the previous or next period.
Adjust how much is shown on the timeline:
You can change the way data is aggregated:
by timeboxes
Turning on the ‘By timeboxes’ aggregation
Click on a timebox (in the header row) to activate the aggregation.
Before you set aggregation by timeboxes, select the Timeboxes in the View menu.
If box periods overlap, aggregation by timeboxes is NOT available.
Timeboxes don't exist in a given time period
If there are no timeboxes for a given time period, the "No timeboxes in this period" message appears.
For the time between defined timeboxes, data is aggregated based on the length of that period, e.g. if time slot between periods is nine days, data from nine days will be aggregated.
Aggregation before and after defined time periods are based on the corner time periods, e.g. if in the project lasting two years there were two weeks sprints at the beginning of the project and 1 week sprint at the end of the project the aggregation will be visualized:
as 2 week periods before the project starts
as 1 week periods after the project ends
Navigation options
Action | Result |
Right-click | move to the closest timebox |
Yearly timeline aggregation limitations
Not every aggregation can be selected for every time period. Unavailable options are grayed out.
Time period | Time period aggregation | |||||
Daily | Weekly | Monthly | Quarterly | Yearly | Timeboxes | |
Year | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Half year | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
Quarter | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
Month | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes |
Week | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Yes |