Export feature

Export feature

The export function is a feature that lets you export the data visible on a given BigPicture module to a file for further work with that data. Different modules support export to various formats. PDF export is not clickable; the file contains only the screenshot(s).

To use the Export feature in BigPicture modules, you need to have BigTemplate installed in a version that matches the BigPicture version.

Availability in modules

The table presents a list of modules where you can use the export feature.





Gantt module

The Gantt module supports the following export formats: PDF, XLSX, CSV, MPP, MPX, and XML.

Scope module

In the Scope module, it is possible to export the data displayed in the columns corresponding to the selected Column View to a CSV or XLSX file.

The current view of the Scope module can be exported to a PDF file.

Board module

In the Board module, the data displayed on the cards corresponding to the selected card view can be exported to an XLSX file.

  • The assignment template includes an additional tab with a breakdown of the teams.

  • The dependencies template includes additional tabs with the number of incoming and outgoing dependencies.

The current view of the Board module can be exported to a PDF file.

It is NOT recommended to exceed 600 cards while exporting data to a PDF file. Doing so can lead to problems with generating the correct PDF and opening the file.

Objectives module

On the Objectives module, it is possible to export the data to an XLSX file. The current view of the Objectives module can be exported to a PDF file.

Resources module

In the Resources module, it is possible to export data to an XLSX file, the contents of which will reflect the corresponding settings on the Resources module:

  • Selected Effort Mode (values in the Workload, Remaining Capacity, and Capacity tabs)

  • Selected Time Unit (hours, man-days, percent, story points)

  • Selected Date Range

  • Selected Time Aggregation (daily, weekly, monthly)

  • Individual or Team breakdown

  • With the Skill panel enabled or disabled (in separate tabs)

The current view of the Resouces module can be exported to a PDF file.

Risks module

In the Risks module, it is possible to export data to an XLSX file based on the Table view.

The Matrix view of the Risks module can be exported to an image (PDF). 

Calendar module

The current view of the Calendar module can be exported to a PDF file.