Export (Scope module)



To unlock the export features, install the BigTemplate App from the Atlassian Marketplace.

The following export formats are available:

  • CSV

  • XML

  • PDF image (not clickable)

It is NOT recommended to exceed above 2000 tasks while exporting data to PDF file. It leads to problems with generating correct PDF, and opening the file.

PDF image export

PDF image export reflects what you see on the screen. Affected by:

  • task filtering

  • active column views

  • expand/collapse WBS (tree structure)

PDF export file is not clickable. It contains the screenshot image. 

Image export requires NodeJS installation. If you do not see the "PDF image" export option, click here for more information.

XLSX and CSV export

Contains all data - unaffected by filtering

Contains information from columns visible during export.

Customization of export templates

You cannot customize the export templates for the Scope module.