

Filters allow you (and other users) to narrow down the list of Boxes or further filter the collection of tasks in the scope of a Box. Filters are cumulative - only the tasks/Boxes that meet all conditions are displayed.

Available module filters:

The Quick filters, the Search Box, and the Date range filter are displayed in the header:

Filters highlighted in the Gantt chart


The filter options are available in the following modules:

  • Overview

  • Gantt

  • Scope

  • Risks

Active filters

Once you activate filters, the App remembers and maintains them even when you switch the view or go to a different module. 

Note: When filters are being executed, a loading progress indicator appears at the top. The indicator lets you know that the request is being processed. Reissuing the request is unnecessary, as it will increase the wait time.

Applies to:

  • Gantt module

  • Scope module

  • Risks module

  • Calendar module

Progress bar in the Gantt chart

Filters are applied per module

When you activate a filter, it applies only to the module you are currently in.

If needed, you can apply a current filter to all modules. This overwrites any filters that were active in other modules. 

Filters are applied per user

Filters are active per user—when you activate the filters, other users are NOT affected; only your view is changed. 

Clear filters

An orange dot indicates that filters are presently active. Click on the dot to clear the active filters for the current module.

You can also choose the "Clear all active filters from" option from the FILTER OPTIONS or clear all the filters in all the modules.

Filter options (tasks)

These options are available in the following modules:


Show basic tasks (filters don't apply)

Show all children tasks in results

Hide parent tasks in the results

Apply filters to all modules

Clear all active filters


Show basic tasks (filters don't apply)

Show all children tasks in results

Hide parent tasks in the results

Apply filters to all modules

Clear all active filters

























Show basic tasks (filters don't apply)

When the “Show basic tasks (filters don't apply)” option is selected, all the basic tasks are displayed —even those that don't match the filter criteria.

Show all children tasks in results

When this checkbox is checked, the filtered tasks (the ones that meet filtering criteria) are displayed along with their child tasks and any lower-level ones (that do not meet filtering criteria).

Hide parent tasks in the results

When parent tasks are NOT hidden, the results contain:

  • the tasks that match the search conditions

  • greyed out parent tasks of the matches

When you select the "Hide parent tasks in results" checkbox, the parent tasks (greyed-out) are NOT displayed.

Note: Task tree structure changes (move up, move down, indent, outdent, drag-and-drop) are unavailable when the "Hide parent tasks in results" checkbox is selected.

Apply active filters to all modules

Filters apply to the module you are in. Use this option to apply all the current filters to all available modules.

Note: The "Apply active filters to all modules" option applies the filters to all the modules, even those for which these filters can NOT be used directly. For example, dates can be applied in the Gantt module but not in the Scope module.

Filters are applied by module; therefore, there are two ways of clearing them once they were used to all modules by the "Apply active filters to all modules":

Clear all active filters

This option clears all active filters in a current module.

Filter options (boxes)

In the Overview module, the following FILTER OPTIONS are available:

Hide parent boxes


  • Hierarchy mode

  • Timeline mode

  • Kanban mode

When parent Boxes are NOT hidden, the results contain:

  • Boxes that match the search conditions

  • greyed out parent Boxes of the matches

When you select the “Hide parent boxes in results” checkbox, the parent boxes (greyed-out) are NOT displayed.

Clear all active filters

This option clears all active filters in a current module.