SLA Search 3.0 JQL Functionalities
This page is about Time to SLA for Jira On-Prem.
This page requires some knowledge of searching for issues using JQL. If you need a detailed introduction to JQL usage, please click here to get more information.
Due to the limitations of the issue navigator, it's not possible to search for SLAs in the Basic mode.
If you want to use more than one SLA 3.0 JQL functions, you have to use the slaJoin function! Want to learn how to join SLA functions? Click here.
What is slaFunction?
The Time to SLA plugin adds the slaFunction custom field upon installation. This custom field cannot be added to screens; however, it can be used for JQL search. This design allows for better plugin performance. Click here if you want to check out former JQL functions.
State Functions
State Functions filter issues for a given state of SLA. These functions check state equality so you can only use = or != as operands.
Function | Description | Example |
isNotStarted([Optional List of SLA IDs or/and Name(s)]) | Finds issues that have at least one inactive SLA on it. |
isFinished([Optional List of SLA IDs or/and Name(s) ]) | Finds issues that have at least one finished SLA on it. |
isRunning([Optional List of SLA IDs or/and Name(s)]) | Finds issues that have at least one running SLA on it. |
isPaused([Optional List of SLA IDs or/and Name(s)]) | Finds issues that have at least one paused SLA on it. |
Duration functions
Duration Functions filter issues by their SLA durations. These functions compare duration so you can only use '>', '>=', '<', and '<=' as operands.
Function | Description | Example |
remainingDuration(Duration, [Optional List of SLA IDs or/and Name(s)]) | This function compares the given duration with the remaining duration of SLAs and finds issues if at least one SLA satisfies the comparison. |
elapsedDuration(Duration, [Optional List of SLA IDs or/and Name(s)]) | This function compares the given duration with the elapsed duration of SLAs and finds issues if at least one SLA satisfies the comparison. |
breachDuration(Duration, [Optional List of SLA IDs or/and Name(s)]) | This function compares the given duration with the breach duration of SLAs and finds issues if at least one SLA satisfies the comparison. |
Date Functions
Date Functions filter issues by their SLA date values. These functions compare dates so you can only use '>', '>=', '<', and '<=' as operands.
Function | Description | Example |
slaStartDate(Date or Duration or timeFunction, [Optional List of SLA IDs or/and Name(s)]) | This function compares the given date or the given duration string with the start date of SLAs and finds issues if at least one SLA satisfies the comparison. |
slaFunction > slaStartDate("endOfMonth(-1)") slaFunction > slaStartDate("startOfDay(+2h)", 1) slaFunction <= slaStartDate("endOfWeek(+2d)", 1 , 2) |
slaTargetDate(Date or Duration or timeFunction, [Optional List of SLA IDs or/and Name(s)]) | This function compares the given date or duration string with the target date of SLAs and finds issues if at least one SLA satisfies the comparison. |
slaFunction > slaFunction > slaFunction <= |
slaEndDate(Date or Duration or timeFunction, [Optional List of SLA IDs or/and Name(s)]) | This function compares the given date or duration with the end date of SLAs and finds issues if at least one SLA satisfies the comparison. |
slaFunction > slaFunction > slaFunction <= |
Percentage Functions
Percentage Functions filter issues by the elapsed or remaining percentage of SLAs. These functions compare percentages so you can only use '>', '>=', '<', and '<=' as operands.
Function | Description | Example |
remainingPercentage(Percentage, [Optional List of SLA IDs or/and Name(s)]) | This function compares the given percent with the remaining percentage of SLAs and finds issues if at least one SLA satisfies the comparison. |
elapsedPercentage(Percent, [Optional List of SLA IDs or/and Name(s)]) | This function compares the given duration with the elapsed percentage of SLAs and finds issues if at least one SLA satisfies the comparison. |
Breach Functions
Breach Functions filter issues for breach state. These functions check state equality so you can only use = or != as operands.
Function | Description | Example |
isBreached([Optional List of SLA IDs or/and Name(s)]) | Finds issues that have at least one breached SLA on it. |
Critical Zone Functions
Critical Zone Functions filter issues for the critical zone. These functions check SLA state equality so you can only use = or != as operands.
Function | Description | Example |
isInCriticalZone([Optional List of SLA IDs or/and Name(s)]) | Finds issues that have at least one SLA in the critical zone. |
Business Hours functions
Business Hours Functions filter issues for the SLA calendar's business hours. These functions check SLA state equality so you can only use = or != as operands.
Function | Description | Example |
isInBusinessHours([Optional List of SLA IDs or/and Name(s)]) | Finds issues that have at least one SLA in business hours. |
Contains SLA Function
The Contains SLA Function filters issues for the presence of SLAs. This function checks SLA state equality so you can only use = or != as operands.
Function | Description | Example |
containsSla([List of at least 1 SLA ID or/and Name(s)]) | Finds issues that contain the listed SLAs. |
Complex functions
Complex Functions filter issues for a given complex state of the SLA. These functions check state equality, so you can only use = or != as operands.
Function | Description | Example |
isMet([Optional List of SLA IDs or/and Name(s)]) | Finds issues that have at least one met SLA on it. |
isAllMet([Optional List of SLA IDs or/and Name(s)]) | Finds issues that all SLAs are met on it. |
isNotBreachedAndNotFinished([Optional List of SLA IDs or/and Name(s)]) | Finds issues that have at least one SLA which is not breached and not finished on it. |
isAllNotBreachedAndNotFinished([Optional List of SLA IDs or/and Name(s)]) | Finds issues that all SLAs which is not breached and not finished on it. |
SLA Definition
Description | Example |
Find the issue details that don’t have an SLA definition (any part of the SLA definition). |
Find the issue details that have at least one SLA definition on them. |