Announcement does not go away after pressing the 'Accept' button while using Announcer for Jira


Even after accepting the button, if the page reloads and displays the notice again, blocking everything for all users except one, follow the steps below.


  1. First, ensure that you're using the latest application version. If not, update the app to the latest version and then recheck.

  2. If the problem persists after updating, attempt to reset the acknowledgment by navigating to Profile > Acknowledged notifications.

  3. If the issue persists, perform the following database checks:
    a. Execute the query below to retrieve the notification ID of the banner:


    b. After obtaining the ID details, run the subsequent query, ensuring to substitute <actual_username> with the affected user's username:

    SELECT "ID" FROM public."AO_63d3CD_NOTIFICATION_USER" WHERE "USER" = '<actual_username>'

    If two IDs are returned, there is an issue with the IDs, which should be singular. In this case, delete the two IDs and verify by browsing the page again. This should resolve the issue.

  4. If the problem persists, escalate by raising a support ticket and providing the following logs: