Create an announcement with hyperlink to a Slack channel using Announcer for Jira

Create an announcement with hyperlink to a Slack channel using Announcer for Jira

This article explains how to create an announcement with hyperlink to a Slack channel.


  1. Navigate to the Slack channel in question and right click. Select Copy Link.       
  2. Log into a Jira instance as a Jira administrator.
  3. Navigate to Settings (Cog Wheel) > Manage apps.
  4. On the left sidebar, under Manage apps section, select Announcements:

  5. In the Announcer Configuration screen, click Add another notification to add a new announcement  or click the  icon to edit an existing announcement:
  6. Add the copied Slack channel link in below format under Announcement Editor > Contents.

    <a href="https://appfireworkspace.slack.com/archives/GQ35STA5T">announcements-jira-discussions</a>

  7. Click Save to apply the changes and the announcement is displayed with a hyperlink to the Slack channel