How Comala Publishing works
You've installed the app, now what?
You will need to edit the Comala Publishing global configuration and then configure each space.
Configure the app
Configure the app global permissions
Space publishing configuration and copy space configuration
add/amend the Confluence user group members that can publish content
add/amend the Confluence user group members that can copy content
define the spaces can be published
In the app global configuration
the app Publishers Group can publish content. The default setting is the
groupANY space can be linked to another space and published
Users who will be publishing content will need to be both
members of the Confluence group added to the app Publishers Group
have space admin permission for the space to be published (the draft space) and the published space
Snapshot publishing configuration
add/amend the Confluence user group members that can snapshot publish the content
define the spaces can be snapshot published
If using Comala Document Management prior to v7.20 you need generate user tokens for snapshot users
Configure the space for space publishing
In space tools, Comala Publishing can be used to link two spaces - these will be a draft space and a published space.
You will need
space admin permissions for both spaces
to be a member of the Confluence group added to the app Publishers Group
You can then configure the content to be published and initialize the synchronization of the two spaces.
Link the draft and the published space for space publishing
There are two options to set up the draft and published spaces:
Option 1: Publish content from one space to a new published space.
Option 2: Publish existing public content, from a new draft space.
Here are two example scenarios that can help you understand these two options.
Option 1: A new documentation space
Use this option if...
you are starting a new documentation space
you have an existing space you will use as the draft (source) space, and will publish to a new space (the target space)
Option 2: Adding to a populated space
Let's say you're starting a new documentation space
your content is ready for your audience
you will occasionally update the content
you want a clean and approved version for your audience to read
You can create a new space, then use Comala Publishing to link and sync your draft documentation space with this new space, which will be the published version.
Any time you make a change to a page in the draft space, the page's state changes to out of sync until you publish the space or the page.
You first need to create a new empty space.
link the current space to the target space that will be the Published space
choose Publish to synchronize the content in the two space
Once synced, you can make changes to your content in the new draft space (the source space) then publish the whole space or individual pages.
Let's say you have a space that
is rich in content
already has comments
has users watching pages and user labels
You need a new draft space you will publish to this pre-existing populated space.
You first need to create a new empty space.
The existing populated space will be the Published space and the initial configuration of Comala Publishing for this Option 2 is in space tools in this populated space.
In the populated Published space space tools use Comala Publishing option to Publish from another Space
link two spaces by using the dropdown menu to choose the draft space
choose Link
An on-screen dialog confirms linking the two spaces.
choose Finish
The next step is to synchronize the content in the two spaces.
choose Synchronize to copy the populated space content to the new draft space
All the content on the current populated space will be copied over to the linked draft space.
Once this initial synchronization is done, navigate to the new linked Draft space (source space).
In the new Draft space (source space), configure publishing options to decide how to handle deleted pages, labels, properties, and more.
You can make changes to your content in the new Draft space (source space) and then publish the whole space or individual pages.
Exclude some page content from being published
What can you do if you don't want some of the page content to be published?
Comala Publishing provides a simple solution.
You can
place the content that you don't want published in the body of the macro
Copy space content
Comala Publishing can also be used to simply copy a space to another space
Copy Space will be a one-off copy of the current space at the time of the copy. There is no sync between the spaces after the copying of the content has been completed.
Users who can copy spaces will need to have
space admin permission in the draft space
at least view, edit, delete permissions for pages, blogs, attachments and comments in the destination space
be a member of the Confluence user group added to the app global publishing configuration Copiers Group
Set the copy space content to be coped
The content to be copied each time you copy a space can be configured in the Copy options in the space Copy space dashboard.
Snapshot space publishing
Use snapshot publishing to create static versions of a Confluence document at specific moments in time, ensuring that the content remains unchanged and compliant with regulatory or quality standards.
Snapshot Publishing includes Collections, purpose-built snapshot document repositories that make it easier to distribute FAQs, policies, and other documentation.
Confluence macros like Jira Issues, Excerpt Include or Metadata, that displays live content will be frozen on each snapshot document version
To use snapshot publishing a space administrator must
set up snapshot publishing in a space using the space snapshot publishing dashboard
add collections to the space or link collections to the space created in other spaces
A collection is managed by the space administrators who created it - the collection manager. The collection manager adds users who can contribute a snapshot to the collection and users who can view the collection snapshots.
Page editors can be given contributor permission to each collection allowing them to add snapshots of Confluence documents to that collection.
Each collection can be configured to add users who can view the collection. Users can view collections using the collections global viewer.
Snapshot publishing is used to
build and manage Collections by document type and user permissions, not the document source space user permissions
publish the snapshot of
one page to many Collections
many pages to one Collection
display page metadata
manage snapshot document version control
access previous snapshot document versions
work seamlessly with Comala Document Management to create versioned snapshot documents using the snapshot-page macro in a workflow trigger