Collection manager

A collection manager user must have space administrator permission in a space and must be member of the Confluence user group added to the Collection Managers group in the app global configuration.

The collection manager can create a collection and manage the collection settings

  • add and edit the collection name and description

  • add and edit the users who can view and/or contribute snapshots to the collection

The collection manager is also a user that sets up a space (in which they are a space administrator) for snapshot publishing and manages the collections added to or linked to the space.

Set up snapshot publishing

A collection manager is the space administrator who can set up snapshot publishing in a space using the space snapshot publishing dashboard.

Once snapshot publishing is setup in a space

  • the collection manager can create, link and manage collections in the space

  • snapshots can be created in the space and added to the collections in the space snapshot publishing dashboard

Other users who are collection managers can

  • link collections created in this space to spaces for which they have space administrator permission

To link a collection created in another space, the space administrator needs contributor permission for the collection set by the creator of that collection. Users in the space will also need contributor permission to add a snapshot.

This allows snapshots from different spaces to be added a collection by users who have been given contributor permission for that collection.

The source space, snapshot version and publishing information for each snapshot in a collection is displayed in the snapshot publishing dashboard.

Add and link collections

In the snapshot publishing dashboard a collection manager can

Manage collections

For each the collection linked or added to the space a collection manager can use the collection ellipsis menu to

A collection can be linked to the space, where the space administrator (who has collection manager global permission) is not the collection creator.

The space administrator must have contributor permission for the collection to be linked. Once linked they can only View the collection settings (name, description owner, viewers, contributors) or Unlink the collection.

The Remove option is only enabled for the collection owner.

Manage snapshots

For each snapshot in a collection a collection manager can use the snapshot ellipsis menu to

A collection manager can also create and add a snapshot from a source Confluence document for any collection they have created in a space or linked to a space.

Collection permissions

The collection manager can configure the user permissions for the collections they have created (owner).

Viewer permission

A collection manager (owner) can add or edit users and user groups who can view the collection (collection viewers)

Collections can be viewed using the collections global viewer.

Contributor permission

A collection manager (owner) can add or edit users and user groups who can contribute a snapshot to the collection (collection contributors).

A user with collection contributor permission can also view the collection.

The collection contributor must have Confluence view and edit permission for the source Confluence document to create a snapshot.

To link a collection created in another space, the space administrator needs collection contributor permission for the collection.

Related pages

User Guide - Snapshot Collections

Snapshot Publishing Guide - Collections