Publish a space

Publish a space

Publish a space

A space administrator can publish the whole space in a few simple steps using the Publish button option in the space publishing dashboard.

Publishing a space

in space tools choose Publishing.

The publishing dashboard will display details of the space publishing status including

  • the current space and the linked published space (the target space)

  • the last whole space synchronization date and time (if the space has been published previously)

Publishing configuration must have already linked the current space as a source space to a target space for publishing

  • choose the Publish button in the dashboard

  • choose No, Publish in the dialog box

  • Publish in progress bar will be displayed until ...

  • ... Publishing is complete!

The date and time of the last synchronization are updated in the publishing dashboard.

Who can publish a whole space?

You must be

  • a space admin in the draft source space to access whole-space publishing

  • a member of the groups added to the Publishers Group in Comala Publishing global configuration (check with your global administrator)

  • a space admin in the published target space

Publishing options

In the space publishing dashboard, you can also choose

  • Configure to adjust publishing settings to manage

    • what documents are published (pages, blog posts, labeled content)

    • what data is published for each page or blog post

    • display of the publishing status lozenge and the draft space watermark

  • View Changes to display a list of pending content changes for each of the draft and the published spaces

When the content in the spaces is synchronized, all draft and published space pages display the PUBLISHED status lozenge (if enabled in Publish Settings Display Options).

Changes in the Configure options may also affect single page publishing.

Quick FAQs on publishing

A warning message is displayed stating this is a published space when opening the page editor in the target published space. You can edit and save changes on this published page, but when you next publish and sync the draft target space version of that page, it overwrites the content on the published page.

If you publish a page with no parent in the published space the page is published to the root of the target published space - it becomes an orphan page.

If you want to publish the draft source space homepage to replace the target published space home page this can be done when initializing a space publish - publishing a space for the first time.

You must configure the initial Publish to delete content in the published space. If the target published space original homepage is removed after the initial whole space publish and sync action you need to manually set the required home page.