How to remove page version(s) from a Confluence page using CLI

How to remove page version(s) from a Confluence page using CLI

This article explains how to remove one or more page versions from a Confluence page using Confluence Command Line Interface (CLI).


removeContentVersion action removes a version from the revision history of Confluence content like a page or a blog. 

  1. In the below Page History page, you see six versions for a Confluence page. 

  2. Create a CSV file with the column name version. You can specify the version number(s) either in order or at random. For example, the CSV file can have the rows defined as 2, 3, 4 or 1, 3, 6. 
  3. Use removeContentVersion action along with runFromCSV action and run the below command to remove multiple versions from a page: 

    --action runFromCSV --file removecontent.csv --common "--action removeContentVersion --space "RemoveVersionCLI" --title "Removing Page Versions" --continue"

Here is result as displayed on the console window: 

"RemovingPagesVersions" --continue"

Run: --version "2" --action removeContentVersion --space RemoveVersionCLI --title Removing Page Versions --continue
Version 2 removed from history for 'Removing Page Versions' in space RemoveVersionCLI.

Run: --version "3" --action removeContentVersion --space RemoveVersionCLI --title Removing Page Versions --continue
Version 3 removed from history for 'Removing Page Versions' in space RemoveVersionCLI.

Run: --version "4" --action removeContentVersion --space RemoveVersionCLI --title Removing Page Versions --continue
Version 4 removed from history for 'Removing Page Versions' in space RemoveVersionCLI.

Run completed successfully. 3 actions were successful from file: removecontent.csv


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