How to Bulk Update User Information

The action updateUser allows you to bulk update user’s information.

The updateUser action is available for Jira CLI and Confluence CLI. The parameters for this action vary for Jira CLI and Confluence CLI.

You can rename the user Id parameter to newUserId only in the Jira instance.

Jira CLI Parameters

Confluence CLI Parameters

Jira CLI Parameters

Confluence CLI Parameters

UserId or userKey (mandatory)

userID (mandatory)

userEmail (mandatory)

userEmail (mandatory)

userFullname (optional)

userFullname (optional)

userPasswords (optional)

userPasswords (optional)

activate/deactivate (optional)

activate/deactivate (optional)


Updating User Information - Confluence CLI for user management. The plugin provides options to update the user's email, full name, password, and activation status. However, it does NOT provide the option to update the user ID: this is an Atlassian restriction.

Updating User Information - Jira CLI allows you to update the user's information, including the user ID with the newUserId parameter.

Example of a command that allows a bulk change of user information.

--action runFromCsv --file sample.csv --common "-a updateUser" --continue

The CSV file should display the current and the target parameter names, as columns, for example, to change userId to newUserId, as shown in the CSV File table.

CSV File


Bulk updating user information is done both in Confluence or Jira. However, the user ID can only be changed in a Jira instance using Jira CLI or ACLI.

Before proceeding with the updates, ensure that you understand the consequences of the action and that you have:

  • The necessary permissions

  • A backup of your data