How to rename pages having colon, : in the page title using Confluence CLI
This article explains how to rename pages having colon, : in the title using Confluence Command Line Interface (CLI) app.
To rename a single page title in a space, execute the following command:
--action renamePage --space "ATAM" --title "Bob:1" --findReplace ":#" --special " #" --replace
To rename all the page titles in a space, execute the following command:
--action runFromPageList --space "ATAM" --common '--action renamePage --space "ATAM" --title "@title@" --findReplace ":#" --special " #" --replace' --continue
The parameters and actions used in the above commands are:
renamePage action renames the page.
space value refers to the space key.
title value acts as a substitution variable.
runFromPageList runs action for each page from a page list.
findReplace finds and replaces the matching text with find and replace values.
replace parameter replaces exiting entities with new.
continue parameter continues processing even after errors are encountered.
Here # is used as a special character and can be replaced with any special character.