Release notes 10.15.0

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Release date: Aug 2, 2024

Our team is thrilled to announce the latest release of Time to SLA for Jira Cloud.


Important Note for Rollback

If you roll back from this version to an old one, you must delete records for the BACKGROUND_REPORT permission from the AO_C5D949_PERMISSION_CONFIG table. Failure to do so may result in a "BACKGROUND_REPORT enum not found" error.


SLA Report elapsed percentage

The SLA report now includes the elapsed percentage for better performance tracking.

Bug fixes

The following bugs are fixed in this release:

  • Previously, the component information was incorrectly displayed when generating the SLA report on the UI and exporting it as XLSX. This issue has been resolved.

  • The label field value is now correctly displayed on the SLA report.

  • Periodic reports are now only visible to users with viewer or editor permissions for the corresponding subscription.

Questions.png Questions and feedback

  • Explore exciting features, pricing updates, reviews, and more on the Marketplace.

  • Stuck with something? Raise a ticket with our support team.

  • Do you love using our app? Let us know what you think here.

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A heartfelt thank you to our valued customers! Your incredible support and feedback inspire us to improve our apps and products continually. You are the driving force behind why we create software. We appreciate your trust in Time to SLA!