How to change a user's password


Passwords can be set on addUser. Also, they can be updated on updateUser starting with CLI 9.3. Prior to 9.3, it is simple to change (reset) a user's password with a separate renderRequest action.

Example - Jira and Confluence Server for 9.3 and above

--action updateUser --userId testuser --userPassword xxxxxx

Example - Confluence Server Before 9.3

--action renderRequest --request admin/users/dosetuserpassword.action?username=testuser --requestParameters "newPassword=xxxxxx&newPasswordConfirmation=xxxxxx" --file ""

Example - Jira Server Before 9.3

--action renderRequest --request secure/admin/user/SetPassword.jspa --requestParameters name=testuser@&password=xxxxxx&confirm=xxxxxx --file ""

Example - Cloud

With the switch over to Atlassian ID for Cloud, passwords can no longer be changed through the application. Go to, login, and select Change password.