Support for Atlassian Server Products (and apps like BigPicture) has ended in February 2024.

Are you planning a migration to Cloud? Make sure you don't lose your BigPicture data/configurations in the process. Check out this page for information on how to migrate BigPicture's data to Cloud. If you have any questions please email

Creating Dependencies

Creating Dependencies

You can create a dependency in the following ways:

  1. Click on the dot next to the taskbar and drag&drop it on the target task, or drop to the dependency dot of the target task. When you hover over a dependency dot or a taskbar of the target task, both dot and half of a taskbar pulsate. 

  2. Click the dot that appears next to the taskbar when you hover over the task with the mouse.

  3. Create dependencies directly on a Jira issue page.

Example 1

Creating the drag&drop dependency.

Example 2

Create the task dependency by clicking the dot.

The source task field is automatically filled in. 

Example 3

Create a dependency directly in Jira.

ASAP mode hotkey

As you are creating a dependency by manually dragging and positioning the arrow, as you hover the mouse over the target task you see a message letting you know that you can change the ASAP on/off by holding the ALT key