Workflow notifications
Comala Document Management sends email notifications for the following events
assignees receive a notification when they are assigned to review a page/blog
the expiry date is reached for content with the Content Expiry workflow applied
On-screen notifications are displayed to a user viewing a page on which they have been assigned to an approval.
The message includes details of the approval name and the user who manually assigned the reviewer.
On-screen notification messages are also be created for example, when reviewers have undertaken an approval decision:
For content with the Content Expiry workflow applied, when the expiry date is reached, the content state changes to Expired and email notifications are sent to
users who are watching the content
The email notifications come from
This is not from the address that normally sends emails related to built-in Confluence functionality.
Custom notifications
Custom notifications can be added using JSON triggers. A trigger can be set for a specific event to create one or more notifications.
In the Content Expiry workflow when the content in the Approved state expires a JSON trigger is used to
send an email notification
set an on-page message
Content Expiry Workflow JSON Trigger
{"subject":"${content.title} has expired",
"title":"${content.title} has expired",
"body":"Hello, ${} in the ${} space has expired and needs to be reviewed"}},
"body":"The page has expired",
A JSON trigger can be added using the JSON editor or workflow builder.