Migrating to Confluence Cloud

Migrating to Confluence Cloud

Comala Document Management Cloud

Comala Document Management for Confluence Cloud provides powerful lifecycle management for Confluence documentation. Using the app in the Cloud, you can automate your review and approval processes using customized workflows that can be applied across multiple pages and spaces. As with our hosted app, you can easily set up approval stages, designate page reviewers, and track document changes and status.

Migrate Comala Document Management to cloud

We have a migration pathway for Comala Document Management for Cloud using the Atlassian Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant. This process automates several steps in your migration, allowing you to assess your app usage in the hosted instance. Once you are ready to move your data, the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant will enable you to migrate spaces, users, groups, and workflow-related data to the cloud.


Before migrating to Comala Document Management for Cloud, it’s important to review the app and ensure it contains all the necessary functionality.

We have a product comparison of the features available for our hosted and cloud apps. There is also a range of helpful documentation providing further information on the functionalities of our cloud app.

For large instances or instances with a large number of users and user groups, it is recommended to speak to our Appfire support or an Atlassian Solution Partner to help find the best fit for your migration.

You can also try the app with a free trial license through the Atlassian Marketplace or schedule a chat with our support team.

Essential factors to keep in mind

Workflow events and activity history

When migrating to Comala Document Management for Cloud, the existing workflow event, activity history, and audit logs are not migrated. However, the last workflow state of each page is migrated with each page with workflow history.

Once you use Comala Document Management in the Cloud, the page's last workflow state is set using the migrated data. Subsequently, the workflow history is recorded as part of the page-level document activity.

If you need access to the workflow events and activity history for audit purposes, you use the Attach Activity utility to add this data as attachments to pages in your hosted Confluence instance before migration.


The workflow history is then migrated as an attachment to each page or as a zip file attached to the space home page containing the workflow history for all pages. However, this historical data is not accessible by the workflow in the cloud environment.

Workflows in Cloud

Workflows are not included in the migration. Workflows from your hosted instance can be translated into cloud-compatible workflow templates using the Workflow Translator for Cloud tool.


The resulting workflow templates can be copied from the workflow translator and added to a space using the code editor in Confluence Cloud.

Alternatively, in Comala Document Management for Cloud, you can use one of the included workflows or create a new customized workflow using the Workflow Builder visual editor and code editor.

Page restrictions on your hosted Confluence instance

Pages with restrictions can prevent the successful migration of your data. For example, this can prevent the inclusion of workflow data on a migrated page. The Atlassian Confluence Cloud Migration includes a check for pages with restrictions that generates a CSV file listing these restricted pages for each space included in a migration plan. Page restrictions need to be removed to successfully migrate all the pages in a space.

Migration process steps

After reviewing the features and functionality of Confluence Cloud and the Comala Document Management for Cloud app, you have committed to moving to Confluence Cloud. You should now be ready to prepare and migrate to Confluence Cloud:

Before the migration

  • set up a Confluence Cloud site and install Comala Document Management for Cloud

If required, you can

  • run the Attach Activity utility in each space in your hosted instance to add an audit record of the workflow events and activities for each page

  • use the Workflow Translator for Cloud tool in the workflow builder in your hosted instance to create cloud-compatible workflow templates that can be copied and added to your Cloud spaces

It is recommended that you install the latest versions of the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant and Comala Document Management in your hosted instance before running the migration checks and migrating your data using the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant.

Use the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant

The Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant includes several assessments and checks that make sure your data can be migrated.

The first one is to Assess your apps.

You should use this check to confirm all the vendor apps you need in the cloud. You can highlight an app to display details of its compatibility with the app migration.

The second one is to Prepare your apps.

Log in to the cloud site and add your base URL for the hosted Confluence instance. If you haven't already done so, you must install the apps required in the cloud as part of this check.

Before undertaking a migration, the Atlassian Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant also requires you to undertake several other checklists. These include:

  • assessment and preparation of your users

  • reviewing all email domains

  • check page restrictions

If not completed, some of these can block the migration, causing it to Fail or be Incomplete. For example, page restrictions can prevent the migration of the last workflow state for each page, and they can need to be removed.

Migrate using the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant

Once your data is ready, you can migrate the following data:

  • spaces, including restrictions

  • pages, including history and drafts

  • images and attachments

  • users and groups

  • data from apps that have a migration path, such as Comala Document Management

You create and name a new migration in the Migrations dashboard. This must include at least one space.

The Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant steps you through connecting to an existing Atlassian Cloud site, choosing what to migrate, and runs pre-migration checks for errors and conflicts. These checks include the following for apps:

If errors are listed for any data, these can be triaged before reviewing and running the migration. You can also save the migration and run it later.

Several vendor checks are performed for Comala Document Management, such as checking for page restrictions that might prevent the migration of workflow state. If these checks return a warning, you can view them in the migration assistant.

After running a migration, it is listed in the Migrations dashboard. in the hosted instance global administration.

The status of each migration is displayed, including migrations with an Incomplete or Failed migration status. You can view details of the migration using the dropdown menu options.


Post-migration tasks

Successful migration

If your migration is successful, enable your workflow in the document management space settings in your Confluence Cloud space to apply to all the pages and blog posts within the space.

When a workflow is applied, migrated pages with previously applied workflow in the hosted instance will be set to the last workflow state. This occurs as long as the cloud workflow includes the state and the state name matches. If you have changed the state name or case of the state name, you must manually change the state using the UI on the page or use the Initialize states option for the workflow in the document management dashboard.

Migration problem

If you have a problem and the migration is unsuccessful, you should check the migration details in the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant and rerun the migration.

For migration problems, contact our support, who can help review the data on your Comala Document Management app usage in your hosted instance.

To help our team, you can use the Support Console in the Comala Document Management Server or Data Center app to download a Support package file and attach it to the support ticket.


Some things can increase the complexity of your migration, and you may need some help planning. For example, the migration involves

  • a large amount of data or users

  • several products and apps (more than 10)

The Atlassian Migration Guide includes a range of resources and guides.

If you have any questions or require assistance, reach out to Appfire support.

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