Workflow state

Workflow state


When a workflow is applied to a page or blog post, the workflow state byline is added to the page or blog post. This shows the current workflow state.

A workflow state is a milestone in your documentation process. The document can only be in one state at a time.

If you want to view the workflow currently applied to the page, choose Show Workflow from the page tools menu or the workflow popup ellipsis menu.

Each state in a workflow has

  • a unique name

  • a colored state byline circle

  • an (optional) description

A state can also have several attributes, including

A single state in a workflow can be set as the workflow final state.

Each state in a custom workflow can be edited using the workflow builder visual editor and the code editor.

Workflow state

The name of the current workflow state is displayed next to a colored status indicator circle on the page.

Choose the state byline link to open the workflow popup.

The workflow popup displays the attributes for the state (state name or the approval name if present, any added state description, expiration period).

State content review

There is a content review (an approval) in the Review state.

For the Review state, the workflow popup displays the

  • approval name (Review this page)

  • Approve and Reject buttons

  • Add comment dialog box for the reviewer to include an optional note about their review decision

If the content review is assignable for reviewers, you can assign one or more reviewers to the approval using the

  • + Add Reviewer option is displayed

Assigning a reviewer adds the user avatar.

Only the assignees can undertake the review when a reviewer is assigned, and anyone not assigned cannot use the Approve and Reject buttons. All assignees must agree to complete the approval.

The applied workflow can also automatically assign reviewers on the transition into the state. Only these reviewers can undertake the review, and they must all agree to approve it.

State select transition

Some workflow states let a page editor select the destination state for the transition.

For a workflow state configured for this select type of transition, in the workflow popup, a user can

  • select the destination state from a dropdown menu

  • and choose the Submit button to transition the workflow to the selected state

In some states, the select transition lets you choose the destination state from one or more states in the applied workflow. You cannot add the select transition to a state with a content review.

Workflow final state

A single state in a workflow can be set as a final state. The default state byline circle for a final state is green.

The final state is your final approved workflow state for the document.

A good practice is to have no transition in the final state that is actioned directly by the user - no content review or select transition. In this case, the workflow popup only contains a link to the document activity report.

Other state transitions

Other transitions can be added to a state. These are managed directly by the workflow in the background when a specific event occurs:

  • a transition is made by the workflow when the page is updated. This transition is usually added to the final state to ensure a page edit on the approved content changes the workflow state in the applied workflow

  • an expired transition listens for the occurrence of a due date added to a state. If the workflow state is configured with a due date, it is displayed in the workflow popup, and if present in the state, the expired transition moves the applied to a different state.

Some workflows include a workflow trigger that actions a state transition after a specific event occurs.