TFS4JIRA Self-Hosted - How to update Jira custom field with new ADO Work Item ID

TFS4JIRA Self-Hosted - How to update Jira custom field with new ADO Work Item ID

This script should be run with TFS4JIRA Self 9.7 or higher.

Tested with: Azure DevOps Services, Jira Cloud, and Jira DC 9.X

This Python script updates the linked AzureDevOps work item ID in each Jira issue. This field is needed in order to properly synchronize Jira issues with ADO work items.


The organization migrated ADO work items from one instance to a different one, resulting in all migrated work items receiving new IDs. The outcome, Jira issues pointed to old work item IDs.


  1. TFS4JIRA Self-Hosted 9.7 or higher

  2. The latest version of Python: https://www.python.org/downloads/

  3. Python IDE: PyCharm: https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/ (we will run the script in this editor)

  4. The script:



  1. Set the API endpoint URL

    1. ADO credentials

      1. org_url = '<https://dev.azure.com/<ORG>/'> - Azure DevOps (ADO) organization URL

      2. pat = 'xemhf6ez4i7svvho' - Personal access token (replace with your own token)

      3. project = 'xyz1234' - Project name in Azure DevOps (ADO)

      4. JiraFieldInADO = 'Custom.T4J_IssueKey' - A custom field in ADO used to store JIRA Issue Key

    2. JIRA credentials

      1. JiraUrl = '' - Set JIRA URL

      2. auth = ('<username>', '<password>') - Set the authentication credentials - username and password

      3. ADOfieldInJira = 'customfield_10112' - A custom field in Jira used to store work Item ID

  2. OPTIONAL - the query used to fetch ADO work items can be modified to only fetch relevant work items (for example, with specific Area Path)

    wiql_query = f'SELECT [System.Id] FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.TeamProject] = "{project}" and [{JiraFieldInADO}] <>""'


  1. The script will get the list of all the work item IDs and saved Jira keys from the new ADO instance.

  2. Having the list of IDs, the script will connect to each Jira issue (using the obtained key) and update ADOfieldInJira with a new work item ID.

  3. The script will display error messages at any step in the PyCharm console, informing what went wrong

  4. The script will also save a log file with the following format (each run, one log file):


    1. The log file is saved in the same location as the script file and is immediately visible in PyCharm’s project files explorer


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