Setting up the Synchronizer to use Firebird

Installing Firebird DB

First of all, we will need to first install Firebird and have it running. Make a note of the user and password mentioned there. ​← download from here. We suggest version 3.

Install it as a Service SuperServer Mode. After installation please make sure that The Wirecrypt is set to Enabled in firebird.conf.

Setting Firebird as a TFS4JIRA Database instead of SQL CE.

  1. First things first – stop the whole IIS server.

  2. As usual, before doing any changes, please backup your TFS4JIRA Synchronizer installation folder. This is usually located at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tfs-jira-synchronizer.

  3. After that open up the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tfs-jira-synchronizer\Web.config file.

  4. Find the following line:

    <add key="forceDbType" value="SyncProfileContextConnection" />
  5. Change the value from SyncProfileContextConnection to SyncProfileContextEmbeddedFirebirdConnection.

  6. Go to the following line that has <add name="SyncProfileContextEmbeddedFirebirdConnection"

    <add name="SyncProfileContextEmbeddedFirebirdConnection" connectionString="User=SYSDBA;Password=masterkey;Database=c:\inetpub\wwwroot\tfs-jira-synchronizer\App_Data\CONFIG.FDB;DataSource=localhost;Port=3050;Dialect=3;Charset=UTF8;ServerType=0;ClientLibrary=C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_3_0\fbclient.dll" providerName="FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient" />


    1. User is the username used in FB installation

    2. Pasword is the password for that user

    3. Database will be the location of your newly created DB replacing the SQL CE version

    4. Port will be the port on which you will have Firebird running (default 3050)

    5. ClientLibrary is the location of the Firebird library file (for example you have default but you will need to check which your version has).

  7. Start the IIS server.

After restarting IIS try to access the Synchronizer again and see if you can log in. It will seem as if the Synchronizer is empty – and it should, because you're using a new database. Look around and see if you can create a new profile successfully. That's just for testing purposes. You don't need to enable the profile.

This will create the base structure of the tables.