TFS4JIRA Self-Hosted - How to display error details in swagger when running API request

TFS4JIRA Self-Hosted has REST API. It can be used to download, upload or modify profile configuration or change Jira and ADO connection details. Swagger is used in order to provide an API interface and documentation.


When swagger is used from an external browser location (not started on the same environment where TFS4JIRA is installed), the errors the user can see are limited to only basic information visible below:


To obtain more detailed information concerning run API requests, please proceed with one of the below solutions.

Solution 1

Start TFS4JIRA and Swagger from localhost (an environment where TFS4JIRA is installed). This alone will provide detailed information on any error.

Solution 2

  1. Log in to the environment where TFS4JIRA is installed.

  2. EDIT web.config file (default location: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tfs-jira-synchronizer)

  3. Add entry <customErrors mode="Off"/> nested in first <system.web>


  4. Save web.config. This will recycle the application pool.


Detailed information should be displayed as shown below.