How to deal with vs30063 error.


ERROR SpartezSoftware.Synchronizer.Services.SyncProfileService - VS30063: You are not authorized to access https://YOUR_AZURE_DEVOPS_INSTANCE

Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Common.VssUnauthorizedException: VS30063: You are not authorized to access

Possible Reasons and solutions:

Not enough permissions set up for users.

TFS4JIRA Requires a set of permissions which we have listed here: and be in the Contributors or Project Admin group.

Personal Acces Token does not have enough access scope

Go there and near your account, there should be a user settings dropdown:

go to Personal Access Tokens and choose your token used for TFS4JIRA and click edit:

then there should be the scope:

From our tests it seems that those are required permission:

  • Graph - Read, group, scope, and add

  • Identity
    Identities and groups

  • User Profile
    Write to profile

  • Work Items
    Work items, queries, backlogs, plans, and metadata

The one that was the most elusive is the Graph