How to view the number of open project creation requests in Delegated Project Creator for Jira

This article explains how to view the number of open project creation requests in the Delegated Project Creator for Jira app.


  1. Log in to Jira as an Administrator.

  2. Navigate the cog wheel > Apps 

  3. In the left sidebar, select the DELAGATED PROJECT CREATOR section to navigate to the Project Creation Requests page. 
    The number beside the Project Creation Requests in braces shows the number of requests that are in open status. This makes it easy for the administrator or approver to see how many requests are in the Open status and can quickly address these requests. 



  • This count is displayed only when the number of project creation requests in the Open status is one or more.
  • This option is available from Delegated Project Creator for Jira app version 3.7 onwards.