How to enable email alerts with Delegated Project Creator for Jira

This article explains the Enable email option provided in the project template settings in the Delegated Project Creator for Jira app.


  1. Log in to Jira as an administrator.
  2. From <server-url>/plugins/servlet/upm, navigate to Project Template Settings from Delegated Project Creator as shown:
  3. Click the pencil icon to edit the project template.
  4. Select Allow Creator to Specify under Enable email and Save the template as shown:
  5. Click Create a project from template from the Projects drop-down as shown:
  6. Enter the email address in the Project E-mail field to whom the notifications related to the project must be sent as shown:

The email address added here is added to the default email address of the project notification scheme. To verify the same, go to Project settings > Notifications as shown:

For this example, the notifications email is set as and all the notifications as per the notification scheme are sent to this email address.