How to create a Project Template with Delegated Project Creator for Jira

This article provides detailed steps to create a template from an existing project so that the newly created project can inherit the template's project schemes.


  1. Log in to Jira as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Cog Wheel > Manage apps.
  3. Select Project Templates Settings under DELEGATED PROJECT CREATOR.
  4. Click Create template from existing project under Project Templates.
  5. Provide the template name and the existing project name from which the template is to be created in the Create template/scheme from project window; then, click Create templates/schemes.

  6. Create the component scheme, version scheme, and role scheme from the project, and then, add those to the newly created template.
  7. Go to Project Templates to select other schemes for the template, and, click the  icon as shown in the screenshot:
  8. Choose the relevant schemes to customize your template:
    • Field Configuration schemes
    • Screen schemes
    • Workflow schemes
    • Issue Type Screen schemes
    • Issue Security schemes
    • Priority schemes
    • Components
    • Versions
    • Project Categories
    • Project Types
    • Default assignee 

      The following screenshot shows the various customizations available for a project template:

Refer to the How to create a Project from a Template article and create a new project from the template.

Delegated project creator for Jira allows a Jira administrator to add project creation permissions and project owner permissions to any group.

To create a project from the template, the Jira-administrators group must be added to the Groups that can CREATE new projects section as shown:

We recommend testing this function in a non-production environment before executing the same in production.