TFS4JIRA Self-Hosted | How to add the SPRINT field and value mappings directly in the database

SPRINT field mapping is stored in FieldMappings

Value mappings for the mapped SPRINT field are stored in the table: ValueMappings

PYTHON script auto-generating below explained queries.

Add field mapping for Sprint field.

  1. Run request: https://<JIRA URL>/rest/api/3/field/search?query=Sprint

  2. Example JSON result


  3. Prepare and run INSERT query

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[FieldMappings] ([JiraField] ,[TfsField] ,[JiraDefaultValue] ,[TfsDefaultValue] ,[JiraType] ,[TfsType] ,[MappingMode] ,[MappingDirection] ,[IgnoreIllegalStateTransitions] ,[SyncProfile_Guid] ,[JiraCustomFieldName] ,[TfsListSeparator] ,[IsDefault]) VALUES (<JiraField> ,<TfsField> ,<JiraDefaultValue> ,<TfsDefaultValue> ,'array' ,<TfsType> ,2 ,<MappingDirection> ,0 ,<SyncProfile_Guid> ,<JiraCustomFieldName> ,',' ,<IsDefault>)


  4. VALUES to provide

    1. <JiraField> - "id" from REQUEST response, in this example: customfield_10020

    2. <TfsField> - System.AreaPath or System.IterationPath or any other field from ADO/TFS

    3. <JiraDefaultValue>, <TfsDefaultValue>

      1. Raise Error - value should be: NULL

      2. Empty Value - value should be: -empty-

      3. Default Value - value should show either SPRINT ID or ADO FIELD value

    4. <TfsType> - TreePath for fields System.AreaPath or System.IterationPath

    5. <MappingDirection>

      1. 1- TFS to Jira

      2. 2- Jira to TFS

      3. 3 - Both directions

    6. <SyncProfile_Guid> - guid of your sync profile visible by running this query

      SELECT guid,name FROM SyncProfiles
    7. <JiraCustomFieldName> - "custom" value from request JSON, in this example: com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira:gh-sprint

    8. <IsDefault> - (0 or 1), 1 for PRIMARY mapping

Update field mapping for Sprint field.

  1. in FieldMappings tablle, a row should be present with mapping for SPRINT and ADO field, please find the ID of that mapping (in the example case its ID: 250)

  2. update that mapping to change Mapping Mode to MAP VALUES by running:

    UPDATE FieldMappings SET MappingMode = 2 WHERE Id=<your mapping ID>
  3. update ANYTHING ELSE functionality for Jira and ADO/TFS. Columns storing the values: JiraDefaultValue, TfsDefaultValue

    1. Raise Error - value should be: NULL

    2. Empty Value - value should be: -empty-

    3. Default Value - value should show either SPRINT ID or ADO FIELD value

Add mapping for SPRINT values.

  1. Adding value mappings for SPRINT fields mapping

    1. Run a request to fetch all the BOARDS in the Jira PROJECT

      1. https://<JIRA URL>/rest/agile/1.0/board?projectKeyOrId=<project key>

      2. example result

      Run a request listing all the SPRINTS in each BOARD

      1. https://<JIRA URL>/rest/agile/1.0/board/<BOARD ID>/sprint

      2. example result


  2. Insert mapping in to the ValueMappings table

    1. example query: