TFS4JIRA Self-Hosted | Change size and number of LOG files.

TFS4JIRA Self Hosted stores application logs in files in the application installation folder.

  • Default location: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tfs-jira-synchronizer\App_Data\log

  • File names: tfssync.log, tfssync.log1, tfssync.log2 …

  • Number of backup log files: 5

  • Size of each file: 10MB

To change the default setting and increase the size of each file and the number of backup files, please follow the below steps:

  1. Log in to your Windows Server or VM where TFS4JIRA Self Hosted is installed.

  2. Go to the location where config.Release.log4net is placed, default location: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\tfs-jira-synchronizer\App_Data

  3. Edit config.Release.log4net

  4. Changing the size of files

    1. find the following line: <maximumFileSize value="10MB" />

    2. change the value from 10MB to a designated size

  5. Changing the number of backup files

    1. find the following line: <maxSizeRollBackups value="5" />

    2. change the value from 5 to a designated number of backups

IMPORTANT. config.Release.log4net file is overwritten during TFS4JIRA application update.