TFS4JIRA Self-Hosted | Store Azure ID - custom fields VS Azure comments

When testing one-time migrations or preparing the environment to enable continuous synchronization between Azure and Jira, deciding whether to use the Azure comments to store the Jira issue key or a dedicated Azure custom field is essential.

 Store the Jira issue key in Azure comments

When using this option, TFS4JIRA will store the Jira issue key, creating a comment, and this action will happen when we test synchronization modes 1 and 4.


  1. After using Synchronization Mode 1 (Synchronize unpaired issues/work items only - used when synchronizing for the first time), we’ll see the following comment added by TFS4JIRA: ##TFS4JIRA_DTCN-167 - this is special comment added by TFS4JIRA Synchronizer

Sync Mode 1
Comment Sync Mode 1
  1. After using Synchronization Mode 4 (Synchronize both unpaired and already paired issues/work items - is usually used for the testing process, and in this case, it removes the already synchronized items in the target space and creates them again; this is why the Jira issue key changes), we’ll see the following comments added by TFS4JIRA:
    ##TFS4JIRA_NONE - this is special comment added by TFS4JIRA Synchronizer
    ##TFS4JIRA_DTCN-170 - this is special comment added by TFS4JIRA Synchronizer

  1. When choosing comments over Azure custom fields, we might see a long list of comments created by TFS4JIRA while we test the synchronization.

In this scenario, the synchronization goes from TFS to Jira, which means that TFS could be the production environment.

Adding many system comments to the production work items might confuse users still using the TFS platform. It’s recommended in such cases to use custom field instead, keep reading.

 Store the Jira issue key in Azure custom fields

  1. After Synchronization Mode 1 or 4, we will continually update the Azure custom field.

If you were using comments and then switched to the custom field option, please be aware that if you run the initial Sync Mode 1, TFS4JIRA will create duplicates in the target instance.
Rather, use the Synchronization Mode 4 directly!


Using Sync Mode 4 will remove the known pairs and create new ones, avoiding duplicates created by Sync Mode 1 in this case.


  1. When to use Azure comments:

    1. You don’t have enough permissions or time to create an Azure custom field and add it to the corresponding screens.

    2. The team is okay with TFS4JIRA comments visible in the workitems.

  2. When to use Azure custom fields:

    1. You don’t want the work items to display TFS4JIRA system comments.

    2. You want to create a WIQL later to find Jira issue keys inside ADO.

    3. Migrate or sync items in a more organized way.