JMWE for JIRA Data Center/Server 8.5.0 Release Notes
This version, released on Sep 20, 2023, includes the following changes:
Scripted Condition and Scripted Validator Improvements
The ‘Scripted (Groovy) Condition’ and ‘Scripted (Groovy) Validator’ extensions have been renamed to Build-your-own Condition and Build-your-own Validator. Additionally, they both now include No Code options for building flexible and powerful conditions and validations into your workflows. The No Code option includes configurations that will generate a Groovy script for you - that script can be used as-is, or copied and further customized!
See these pages for more information:
JMWE Has a New Logo!
In a continuing effort to unify the entirety of Appfire’s products, JMWE has a new logo! You’ll see this new look throughout the JMWE app (and this is just a taste of what’s to come!).
Other Improvements
This release includes other updates and improvements:
You can now enable and disable extensions from within the Transition editor! See Workflow Extensions for more information.
Scheduled actions can now be scheduled in your own timezone.
Scheduled Actions and Event-based Actions now include information on when the Action was enabled or disabled. Hover over the toggle for a tooltip detailing when the Action was enabled or disabled, and by which user.
The ‘Remove source values’ option for the Copy issue fields and Set issue fields post-functions now support single value fields.
Support links for documentation and support requests have been moved to a new menu beside the JMWE logo (pictured, right).