JMWE for JIRA Data Center/Server 8.6.2 Release Notes

JMWE for JIRA Data Center/Server 8.6.2 Release Notes

Release dateApr 2, 2024

Our team is excited to announce the release of JMWE for Jira Data Center, version 8.6.2.

Bug fixes

Starting from Jira 9.15.0, Atlassian has removed the default constructor for DefaultOfBizConnectionFactory. We have resolved this issue.

Addressed the hidden character issue (injected between the '$' and the '{') affecting the editor.

System fields that were previously not captured by the "Field required/has single value" validator are now accessible.


Thank you our valuable customers!

We want to thank you, our incredible, supportive customers, for using our apps. You have provided great feedback and want you to know that you truly are the reason why we build software!